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Carlo Molinar


This website will focus on beautiful places in the Philippines and their delectable foods that they are proud of. We are here to update and inform you about the places and foods that you are looking for.



Layout Editor

Our layout editor is Julia M. Malapitan, a fourth year AB Communication student at STI Academic Center Calamba. She is 19 years old girl who wants to travel the world. She loves abstract painting. And since childhood she always perform in a theater. She also known as the "storyteller of the school" during her high school days.  Her first dream is to become a fashion designer.

Julia Malapitan

Audio and Visual Editor


Our audio and Video Editor is Casey Talatala, a 2nd year AB Communication student at STI Academic Center Calamba. She has some experienced in editing when she was on high school. She used to be the editor of some short films, music videos when she was also on high school. She also has an experienced on remixing music. And now she's in College, she took up AB Communication, for her to learn a lot about editing and other aspects of it.

Casey Talatala

Editor in Chief

Our Editor in Chief is Carlo Molinar, a 4th year AB Communication student at STI Academic Center Calamba. He is a 20 years old man that is really interested about delectable foods and beautiful places here in the Philippines. He also a music lover, espescially the music of Jason Mraz and David Cook. Last year, he won the Best Actor Award on the Film Fest in STI. His goal in life is to be a professional broadcaster in the near future.

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