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Anti X-Rated

Some pornographic websites were blocked in the Philippines as of Saturday, January 14, 2017. This is such a good news for the enter of 2017. Top porn sites like Pornhub, Xvideos, and Redtube do not load anymore when accessed in some devices. It means nobody can watch x-rated videos from those websites. For affected online users, a message saying, "This website has been ordered blocked under authority of the Philippine Government pursuant to Republic Act 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Law" is displayed on screen. First time offenders will be fined for 5,000 pesos. Repeat offenses might mean a fine of 50,000 and 1-2 years jail time. Our President made a promise about blocking some porn sites since November 2016. He said that, by December or January it will be granted.

For sure lots of teens especially the boys will lessen their hobby of watching those kinds of videos. I really salute our President for pushing this Anti Child Pornography Law, why? Those X-rated videos will not bring good to all people especially to the teenagers. If they will watch those videos they might get some idea about doing pre-marital sex which is so wrong. Nowadays, teenage pregnancy is very in demand. Probably one of the reason is those x-rated videos that they watched, maybe they get curious about doing it. So blocking those porn sites is such a relieved. I hope all porn sites will be blocked as soon as possible, so that the new generation will have a clear understanding about sex/pre-marital sex. Thank you President Rodrigo Duterte for making this happen.

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