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Get Lost B!

All of the people around the world knows about bullying. No one is innocent about this word. Lots of people especially the children are victims of this so called bullying. Admit it, there was a time in your life that you got bullied or you are one the bullies. I don’t know where this word came from, all I know is it ruins many life. I must say that bullying will never be gone, or else it will dominates the world. Since back then, there are lots of advocacy, there is a law, about “Anti Bullying”, and once you are one of the bully, you will get punished and face a consequence of your bad action, yes it was implemented, but still bullying is alive and kicking. I have red lots of news, articles about people who commit suicide because of bullying. I am thinking, why those people commit suicide? What happen to those law and advocacies? Right? I am so sad every time I red a news like that. Bullying is a serious case actually. I consider bullying as murder, why? it will kill your physical body, it will kill your emotions, it will kill you mentally. So I pity all the victim of this. I don’t know what brain that the bullies have, do they have conscience? Do they have a heart? Lots of people said that those bullies are longing for love and attention which they don’t get at their respective home. In result, they don’t have deep understanding of what people could feel. They have wrong mindset seriously. Luckily, I don’t experienced any kind of bullying, maybe my classmates saw that I am brave and that type of person that you can tease all the time. Maybe all the people should be like this to be able to get rid that bullying. We have to be brave. I advice to those students that encountering bullying that they should fight, or much better go to the authority and tell them what those bullies are doing to you. Seriously, I want to be one of the “pusher” of this Anti Bullying campaign. I want to wash away that word so no one will be get a difficult life. I red a line on the internet, and it was so accurately right, “What if the kid you bullied at school, grew up, and turned out to be the only surgeon who could save your life?” – Lynette Mather. This is so true. So think before you bully.

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